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Tenant and Resident Engagement - Open to all

Different not less: improving understanding of neurodiversity to better engage residents

Tue 25-Jun-202414:45 - 15:30Tenant and Resident Engagement
Jon-Thorbjorn-QBCTFC Alansbur-W-Macbyrne
Disability consultant and Stockport social housing tenant
Chloe Tilford
Senior consultant
Housing Diversity Network
John Verge
Chief executive
Golden Lane Housing
Eimear Strong
Marketing consultant and neurodiversity advocate
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Neurodiversity describes the idea that people experience and interact with the world around them in many different ways. There is no one "right" way of thinking, learning, and behaving, and differences are not viewed as deficits.


However, stigma and a lack of awareness or lack of appropriate adjustments may be causing exclusion of tenants and residents with neurodevelopmental differences. This session will aim to improve understanding of neurodiversity, including autism, ADHD and learning difficulties. How can you create a supportive, respectful and inclusive environment? What are the skills and adjustments needed to support those with neurodiversity to access services, employment, independent living or to have a voice over the services that impact their lives? How can we eliminate discrimination  that may lead to tenants being labelled as “problematic” and treated differently as a result? 

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