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Climate change and sustainability

The climate emergency is one that affects us all. This is as true of events as any other sector. So as event organisers we are focused on doing what we can to ensure our portfolio and the events we produce are as sustainable as they can be. We are not there yet. We have reviewed our carbon footprint from last year’s show, and we continue to seek to mitigate waste and emissions production where we can. Some things are out of our direct control, but we are working closely with our supply chain to make this event as sustainable as possible. We are fortunate to be hosted by Manchester Central, one of the country’s leading venues on the sustainability agenda and our events supplier Full Circle employ a sustainable approach across the components for exhibition schemes, lighting, floorcovering, and graphics production.


For this year’s show we are:

  • Reducing print material and using digital signage – and an event app once again replaces a printed event guide this year 
  • Reusing materials where possible including reusing our stage sets from previous shows on the exhibition floor and at our awards ceremonies - find out more here
  • Using a rewind recyclable carpet for the show floor which after the event is converted into recycled PP pellets and used in further applications - find out more here
  • Encouraging exhibitors to not use any single-use plastic giveaways 
  • Sourcing local food for all catering (including our award dinners), where it has been possible to do so
  • Suppling walking maps and a link to the free bus routes that is available to all attendees which can be found here

But net zero is a team sport. We can all make positive differences. No action is too little in this collective challenge. We believe that together we can deliver a lower carbon world, so for this year’s show we would ask you to:


  • Use the recycling bins that are available around the venue as Manchester Central has established food waste and waste management strategies
  • Bring a refillable water bottle with you - filtered water stations are available throughout the venue
  • Bring a refillable coffee cup with you – this can be filled up at the retail catering points when purchasing a drink
  • Consider all transport options – to reduce the carbon footprint of your journey – local transport – car share, tram, bus, walk, cycle, skateboard! 

We will measure the impact of this year’s show and use that to inform our planning for Housing 2025 where we will continue to seek to make a positive contribution and improve the carbon footprint of the show.

© HOUSING 2025 - OCEAN MEDIA GROUP LIMITED, Suite 6.04, Exchange Tower, 6th Floor 1 Harbour Exchange Square, LONDON E14 9GE | TEL:020 7772 8407

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