Housing 2025 promises to be an essential event for those involved in the sector, especially in light of the UK government’s commitments to tackle the ongoing housing crisis.
One year into the Labour government and following the spending review, come together to understand how we can deliver the government’s housing ambitions.
Visitors can access six stages of free* CPD accredited content on the showfloor and hear from government agencies, inspiring keynotes, lived experience experts and peer-led case studies offering solutions to the latest issues in asset management, tenant engagement, procurement and more.
Discover new solutions with 350+ exhibitors and the whole supply chain under one roof - a one-stop-shop to see the latest business-critical developments and solutions from the UK’s entire housing community
Uncover endless networking opportunities with 9000+ attendees including local authorities, housing associations, government, key partners and suppliers, investors, housebuilders and developers, and the wider living sector.
Housing is the event highlight of the year and the only place the whole UK housing sector comes together.
Advisory board Visitor agenda Visitor speakers Visitor passes
To take advantage of the full housing week experience including invite-only government roundtables, a Leadership Symposium in partnership with L&G, and networking opportunities with key figures across the housing and investment sectors, take a look at the delegate experience here.
Practical case studies, insightful debates and ’how-to’ guides, this is your round-up of the latest housing innovations. Stay up-to date with solutions that could help you deliver better quality homes and more efficient services for your residents.
The award-winning Fringe is back! Known for its frank debates on the biggest issues – mental health, EDI, the refugee crisis, and more – it's the go-to stage for bold, thought-provoking conversations. Don’t miss this year’s hot topics shaking up the housing sector.
An essential space to discover practical solutions for decarbonising our homes. From skills and finance to engagement and collaboration, we will discuss how to ensure existing and new build homes are warm, energy-efficient, and affordable for tenants and residents.
As the housing sector adapts to major regulatory changes, explore how to achieve meaningful tenant engagement that improves services, lives and communities. Discussions will focus on tenant empowerment, innovative methods of engagement and how to improve repairs and services at a time of unprecedented demand.
Dedicated procurement solutions enabling you to identify opportunities for short-term as well as sustainable
efficiencies and improvements. Learn how to deliver immediate cost savings at the same time as driving insightful long-term benefits through smart and strategic procurement.
A one-stop-shop to see the latest business-critical developments and solutions from the UK’s entire housing community, from funders to contractors to consultants to innovators.
Exclusive access to networking functions – from study tours, fringe events and drinks receptions to awards evenings and charity fundraisers, housing has something for everyone.
"One of the most important housing sector events of the year!"
Jason Wroe, chief executive, Newydd Housing Association
"Really enjoyed this year’s conference. Excellent opportunity to network with fellow professionals, gain valuable insight from industry experts and increase my knowledge and professional development. I've also gathered a number examples of sector good practice that I'm able to apply within my own organisation."
Barry Rees, housing services manager, Wyedean Housing Association
"Housing was a great event, I met both existing contacts and I also met a number of new contacts who I know I will be working with in the coming months ahead. It was a great opportunity to see the market leaders in person and to network face to face once again."
Paul Halpin, head of leasehold, income and resident engagement, Westminster City Council
"A great few days, networking with others within the sector. Meeting new people and suppliers. A must visit for anyone within the housing sector."
Duncan Palmer, head of service, Platform Housing Group
"As vice-chair of a medium sized housing association I found the event illuminating, the quality of the delegate sessions was excellent. I came away with a much better understanding of the sector today and more importantly where its heading tomorrow. The opportunity to hear informed debate from credible industry figures was simply invaluable."
Mike Lawton, board member, Aspire Housing
"A fantastic few days! A great opportunity to network with colleagues from across the sector and soak up much needed information to enable me to grow as a housing professional."
Cllr Danny Nicklen, senior continuous improvement manager, The Riverside Group
"Housing was brilliant. Being surrounded by people who all share a belief in home as a fundamental human right is inspiring and infectious - I've never felt more convinced that we work in the best sector there is!"
Rosie Hazeldine, research, policy and inclusion partner, settle
"First time attending this event and it did not disappoint! Event was well organised with something to meet everyone's service area. Was great to meet up with suppliers and learn about all the new technology and ways of working, along with meeting our new partners."
Steven Hayes, project delivery coordinator, Places for People
"What sets Housing apart, is not just the deep sector knowledge and passion of the team at Ocean Media but the sense of community they forge so that even as the event gets larger, the sense of community and belonging and deep desire to learn and be our best, seems to emanate from every corner of the conference and exhibition hall."
Sarah Daly, associate director sustainability, Turner & Townsend
"Another excellent conference, for all."
Mark Pinnell, director of property, Dacorum Borough Council
© HOUSING 2025 - OCEAN MEDIA GROUP LIMITED, Suite 6.04, Exchange Tower, 6th Floor 1 Harbour Exchange Square, LONDON E14 9GE | TEL:020 7772 8407