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Tenant and Resident Engagement - Open to all

Awaab's Law: what are the implications for landlords and tenants?

Wed 26-Jun-202412:30 - 13:15Tenant and Resident Engagement
Andrew Sturgess
National specification manager
Charlotte Todd
Property director
Eastlight Community Homes
Joanne Jackson
Eastlight resident and resident design officer
Eastlight Community Homes
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The consultation for Awaab’s Law is out, setting time limits for English social landlords on responding to repairs that pose a hazard to tenants. This session will explore the full implications of the proposed changes from both a landlord and tenant perspective. 


Broadly, the proposed changes are welcomed by the sector and tenants. Yet are there limitations or unintended consequences of the law? For example, risks of residents being left for long periods with outstanding repairs because the limits only apply to starting repairs, not completing them.


Excellent communication and record-keeping will be required of landlords so how can they ensure systems and processes are up to standard? How can vulnerable residents be better identified and systems embedded to prioritise them? How can landlords engage those tenants who refuse access to their homes? 


What information do tenants need to empower them about the changes and how will  this be communicated in a way that is accessible to all? Join this session to better understand the changes ahead and how to prepare. 

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