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Why attend

Raising the voice of the housing and wider living sector, with thriving communities at the heart, the Housing 2025 Leadership Symposium is your platform to create sustainable homes and places. Ensuring quality, accessibility, and affordability across all tenures, we recognise that housing is more than just bricks and mortar. The solutions to today’s housing crisis require innovative partnerships and funding to meet the needs of growing and differing tenures.


The new Government has placed the delivery of high-quality, accessible, affordable, and sustainable housing at the core of its long-term plans for the UK. Key elements of the Government Plan to deliver 1.5 million homes over the next five years include: Mandatory Housing Targets | Green Belt and Grey Belt Development | Local Plans | Infrastructure and Digital Development | Economic Growth


Local authorities, housing associations and the entire housing and wider living supply chain have a key role to play in these plans, and ensuring the best outcomes for tenants and residents – come together and collaborate with other senior leaders at the Housing 2025 Leadership Symposium.



Government Commitment

A crucial platform for senior housing professionals to discuss these plans, collaborate on innovative solutions, and ensure that the ambitious target of 1.5 million homes is met. 

Collaborative Space

Collaborative Space

The symposium provides a unique space to come together, discuss, and collaborate to identify solutions and speak with one voice to those framing the debate.

Comprehensive Access

Comprehensive Access

Your pass grants you entry to all areas including the Keynote Theatre, Homes and Governance Theatre, New Homes and Places Theatre, Invite-only Roundtables and Breakfast Briefings.

Exclusive Networking

Exclusive Networking

From the moment you arrive, you’ll be welcomed and connected with other delegates and speakers, fostering collaboration and sharing.

Dedicated Venues

Dedicated Venues

Enjoy exclusive access to The Junction, a new bar, restaurant, and social space within the venue, complete with a closed-off garden for networking

Join us at the Housing 2025 Leadership Symposium and be part of a transformative journey that will shape the future of housing for generations to come. Our time is now.


 Book your tickets now >> 

Take a look at the highlights from last year

"Housing is a really important event for the sector as it brings everyone together." Phil Andrew, chief executive officer, Orbit Group


"There is something for everybody at Housing and it is an event that is needed." Debra Edwards, resident and co-production champion, Harringey


"Housing as an event is really important for the sector as it gives us an opportunity to come together and work collaboratively." Kate Wareing, chief executive, Soha Housing

Still need convincing...?

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